P-EISSN: 2776-0812 E-ISSN: 2775-8117) is published by the Indonesian Society of Exercise Physiologists/ Perhimpunan Ahli Ilmu Faal Olahraga Indonesia (PAIFORI). It is published twice a year in March and August. The JIFO publishes papers that fall within the range of basic and applied physiology, molecular physiology, exercise physiology, nutrition physiology, and integrative physiology. The papers should illustrate new physiological mechanisms at the level of the cell membrane, single cells, tissues or organs, and other subdivisions. Clinical studies, that are of fundamental importance and have a direct bearing on the pathophysiology will also be considered. Letters related to articles published in The Journal with topics of general professional interest are welcome.

Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Table of Contents
Aziiz Mardanarian Rosdianto, Ronny Lesmana, Iwan Setiawan, Yuni Susanti Pratiwi, Nurul Fadhilah, Ivan Christian Channel, Vita Mutia Tarawan
Eko Prasetyo
Setiawan Setiawan, Yuni Susanti Pratiwi, Elvine Gunawan, Ambrosius Purba
Anggraeni Apriani Suryana, Wendra Wendra, Daswara Djajasasmita
Firdha Malisa Fauzia, Ine Renata Musa, Harry Emile Saroinsong